Roopa Weber
Board Member

Board of
Strategic Leadership Council
Roopa Weber is a mother, author, and Senior Vice President of Institutional Marketing and Client Services at Ariel Investments. Her first children’s book, Messy Penny, features Penny, a lovable peacock, who learns that the simple things in life are those to be most treasured. Roopa created the Karma Kollection blog to inspire better lives through kindness and gratitude. As immigrants, Roopa’s family started from scratch (twice), endured countless challenges, and grew up with little money, so Roopa was raised to focus on the simple pleasures in life. She learned that with immense love, appreciation, humility, hope, and a positive mindset, anything was possible. Roopa believes that if we have empathy, good intentions and a desire to make improvements, we can affect our lives for the better and those around us. Knowing that in the end, good vibes create good lives ™.